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Obſervations on

garbage, to increaſe the valour and ſtrength of this progeny. The Huntſman nouriſhes his cloſe-begotten litter with ſheeps trotters, to Invigorate their heels, and Belinda gives her little Oronoko brandy, to make him good for nothing but to look on, to contract his growth into a petit epitome of her très beau Philander.

But, notwithſtanding the effects of human induſtry and contrivance are thus great and numerous, yet they are not infinite; there is ſtill a ne plus to which they are ſtinted, nor can all our devices add one new ſpecies to the works of the Creation. Nature is ſtill uniform as to the main; the Almighty Creator is not to be imitated by ſhort-handed mortals: in ſpite of art our mules will all be barren; nor can the moſt cunning projector produce one amphigeneous animal that will increaſe and multiply. There appears a diſtinct ſpecific difference in all living creatures the Horſe, the Dog, the Bear, the Goat, however diverſified by art or accident in ſize. or figure, will ever diſcover fomething that appropriates to them thoſe names or characters; and, above all
