young and ingenuous Peaſant torn from his weeping Parents, and his diſtracted Bride, and either hurried into a loathſome dungeon, or baniſhed to an unhealthy climate, only for the murder of a Hare or a Partridge. But I will venture to ſay, there is hardly a Day-laborer in the kingdom that may not, in a reaſonable manner, be indulged with the uſe of theſe animals by a proper application; and if he is fond of the diverſion they afford, and chuſes to be idly buſy rather rather, induſtriouſly ſo, he may perfectly ſatiſfy. himſelf by attending the Hounds or Greyhounds of the 'Squire, or aſſiſting the Game-keeper with his gun. But that Laws ſhould be made to prevent the man, whoſe family depends entirely on his labor for ſupport, from quitting his flail, his plough,or