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his Preface to the Chace, that the Antients had no notion of purſuing wild beaſts by the ſcent only. I readily agree with him, that they had no idea of a regular and well-diſciplined pack of Hounds; but though, as [1] he and his learned Friend remark, Oppian deſcribes a particular ſort of Dog, which he calls Ιχνευτηρες, as finding the Game only, and following the ſcent no farther than the Hare's feat; and ſays, that after he has ſtarted her, ſhe is purſued by the ſight; yet this extract from Xenophon will ſhew, that, much earlier than the time of Oppian, they not only [2] trailed to the Hare by the ſcent, but abſolutely depended on that

  1. See the Preface to Somerville's Chace, at the end of theſe Eſſays.
  2. Xenophon particularly diſtinguiſhes the trail of the Hare from the ſcent ſhe leaves when running; the firſt he calls εὐναια, the laſt δρομαια.