ing with it the odour of the bloſſoms. In the ſummer it is ſlight and imperfect; for the earth being hot, it deſtroys the warm particles it contains; and the ſcent itſelf is not only ſlight, but the dogs alſo ſmell leſs, on account of the relaxation of their bodies. In the autumn it is pure; for, of the productions of the earth, the cultivated part is carried off, and the weeds are withered, so it is not at all injured by the ſcent of the fruits of the earth.
In the winter, the autumn, and the ſummer, the trail is for the moſt part ſtraight, but in the ſpring it is more perplexed; for, though theſe animals copulate at all times, they do it chiefly at that ſeaſon, and their neceſſary wandering on that account in ſearch of each other occaſions it.
The ſcent of the Hare going to her form laſts longer than that of her courſe when purſued. When ſhe goes to her form ſhe goes ſlowly, often ſtopping, but her courſe when purſued is performed running; therefore the ground is ſaturated with one, and not filled with the other. The ſcent is al-