way they came, leaping all the way, and keeping in the fame track.
[1] Thoſe that are found in open places run the longeſt on account of their being more uſed to the light; thoſe in woody places ſhorteſt, being hindered by the darkneſs.
There are two kinds of them, one large, mottled with black, and with a great deal of white on the forehead; the other leſs, of a yellowiſh color, and having little white.
The tail of one is variegated on every ſide, that of the other is [2] more conſpicuous from being whiter. The eyes of one ſort are yellowiſh, of the other greyiſh, and the black at the tip of the ears is large in the one and ſmall in the other.
The ſmaller ſort are chiefly found in iſlands, as well thoſe inhabited as uninhabited, where Hares are in greater plenty