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Observations on Hare Hunting.

ABOVE all things the ſcent has ever been my admiration. The bulk, ſize, figure, and other accidents or qualities of theſe parts or portions of matter that diſcharge themſelves from the bodies of theſe Beaſts of Game, are ſubjects much fitter for the experiments and learned deſcants of a Philoſopher, than a ſimple Huntſman. Whether they are to be conſidered as an extraneous ſtock or treaſure of odoriſerous particles given them by Divine Wiſdom, for the very purpoſe of hunting? Whether they are proper identical parts of the animal's body, that continually ferment and perſpire from it? Whether theſe exhalations are from the breath of her lungs, or through the ſkin of her whole body? are queſtions alſo that deſerve the ſubtlety of a Virtuoſo. But ſuch obſervations as long experience has
