Page:Czech Folk Tales.pdf/134

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which they were bringing the princess to be devoured by the dragon. When he saw the procession, he asked:

"What's going on here, and why are the people in such grief?"

"Because the princess is to be devoured by a dragon to-day,"

Hynek said: "For the sake of her beauty, show me his den where he dwells."

So he rode up to the rock and called out loudly: "Now, dragon, come on; your meal is ready here, waiting for you."

But the dragon answered: "I don't want it to-day; come to-morrow, at eleven."

So Hynek returned. He rode towards them and said that the dragon would not leave his den today. So they all went back to the town with the knight, and the king would not let him go away on any account. But Hynek began to make excuses. He had to deliver a letter for the field marshal and he could not remain there. Then he turned the ring on his finger, and instantly he was in the castle again. He left the clothes and the horse there, putting the clothes tidily together. Then he put on his shepherd's dress, turned the ring, and at once he was