Page:Czech Folk Tales.pdf/140

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could go to the castle to play his zither to the princess; he would like to cheer her, since she was so said.

"You may go, and, if you succeed, you shall make some extra money."

So Hynek went and played, and the music was so sweet that the lords could listen to nothing but his beautiful playing. He played for three hours, and then he must go home. They asked him what reward he would like.

"Nothing but to drink a cup of wine with the princess."

He had ready the ring which the princess had given him when he was in her lap. His request was granted, and the rest of the musicians who were there were angry with him for claiming so insignificant a reward. When they had filled the cup for him, he drank the wine and dropped the ring into the cup.

Now, the cupbearer who was filling the cup looked into it and saw the glittering ring. So he hastened to the princess with it. She recognized it as her own, so she ordered them to bring that shepherd before her.

"Well," he said, "surely they won't beat me!"

They brought him before the princess, and