Page:Czech Folk Tales.pdf/43

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by the Water of Life and the Water of Death, and where would you get that?" sighed the mother.

Víťazko did not waste time thinking about it. He grasped his beech, and off he went to Holy Sunday.

"Where are you going, Víťazko?" asked Holy Sunday.

"I am coming to you to ask where I could find the Water of Life and the Water of Death, for my mother is still ill, and only those will cure her."

"It will be a hard task for you to get them, but I will help you as well as I can. Here are two jugs; mount my magic horse, and he will bring you to two banks. Beneath those two banks spring forth the Water of Life and the Water of Death. The right bank opens at noon, and from beneath it gushes the Water of Life. The left bank opens at midnight, and beneath it is the Water of Death. As soon as the bank opens, run up to it and fill your jug with water, and so you must do in the other case too. When you have the water, come back. Follow my instructions carefully."

Saying this, she gave him two jugs. He