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hand on the hard lower surface of Bára’s feet with sympathetic touch.

“Until the skin became like sole-leather my feet used to hurt, but now I don’t even feel fire beneath them,” Bára answered with pride, and Elška wondered greatly. Thus the two girls enjoyed each other. Often Josífek joined them, and when they were preparing feasts he had to bring what was needed and did the slicing and the grating. When they played wolf, he had to be the lamb, and when the game was barter, he had to haul the pots and kettles. But he never objected, and liked best to play with the girls.

The twelfth year passed over the heads of the children and there was an end to their childish joys. The sexton put Josífek in a school in the city, as he wanted to make a priest of him. Miss Pepinka took Elška to Prague to a rich, childless aunt, in order that Elika should learn city manners and that the aunt should not forget her country relatives. Bára remained alone with her father and Lišaj.


Life in the rural districts flows along softly without noise or rustle, like a meadow brook. Three years had passed since Elška had gone away to Prague. At first neither Miss Pepinka nor the priest could become accustomed to her absence and were very lonely for her. When, however, the sexton reminded them why they had sent Elška from home, Miss Pepinka always