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because Bára went often to the parsonage and because they liked her there. She would have forced her out of the parsonage if Miss Pepinka had been anyone but Miss Pepinka, but the latter did not permit others to blow on her mush and least of all the sexton’s wife. Once on a time this worthy, together with the wife of the schoolmaster, had made up some gossip about Miss Pepinka and from that time their friendship ceased, although formerly they had been together constantly. Miss Pepinka often taunted Mr. Vlček with it, saying, “A sharp nose likes to pry,” which referred to the sexton’s wife. Vlček was a lamb at the parsonage and only at home was he a real wolf.

Two, three, four days passed since Pepinka had left and Bára could hardly wait.

“Good sir, how far is it to Prague?” she said to the priest when he had had his afternoon nap and was in his best humor.

“Be patient, girl. They can’t be back yet. A hundred miles—that’s some distance. Three days to get there, two days Pepinka will stop in Prague, and three days for the return trip—figure it up yourself!”

Bára counted the days, and when the fourth day after the conversation arrived there were great preparations at the parish house, and then Bára counted only the hours. For the tenth time she rushed out to look down the road. The sun was already sinking and her father was driving home the herd when the carriage appeared on the highway.