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first she had thought it was some sort of mockery, but hearing that it was the general title for girls, she accepted the custom. The title “Panna” or “Maiden” honored her more highly, expressing, as it did, virginity and it was because she appreciated this that the blush of virgin shyness overspread her sweet face.

The sexton’s wife also emerged to her threshold, and when Elika passed, invited her in. She liked Elška, though she thoroughly disliked Miss Pepinka. She asked Elška how she had liked it in Prague and how the altar of St. John looked at the castle and if it is true that the bridge is paved with gold. When Elška answered all these questions she examined her from head to foot, not even a thread escaping those venomous eyes. Elška asked about Josífek.

“Oh, he is getting along well in his studies. He is the best student in school and is growing like a reed out of the water. Many—ah—many times he asked about you, Maid Elška, when he was here for the holidays. He pined for you and had no one at all with whom to enjoy himself. With the local youth—it is not fitting for him to associate now that he is a student,” said the sexton’s wife.

Elška was of a different mind, but she said nothing.

In the afternoon Elška went to visit Bára. The shepherd’s home was a little cottage, the smallest in the entire village, but, excepting the parsonage alone, there was nowhere greater cleanliness and neatness. A table, bench, two chairs, the beds, chest and loom