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“She saw him in Prague. He is the one who cured Auntie.”

“That doctor? I see. You mentioned several times to me what a good man he was. But why doesn’t Miss Pepinka like him?”

“I don’t know. She just scolds about him and says he’s distasteful to her,” Elška related almost tearfully.

“Why, is he displeasing?”

“Oh, Bára!” sighed the girl. “A man as handsome as he is cannot be found in the whole countryside!”

“Perhaps he isn't rich?”

“Rich? That I don’t know. But what of it? What do riches amount to?”

“That’s true, but your auntie will want you to marry a wealthy man who will provide well for you.”

“No, no, Bára. I won’t marry anyone else. I’d rather die!”

“Well, it won’t be as bad as that. And even if he isn’t rich, Miss Pepinka and your uncle will listen to reason when you tell them—that you love him.”

“I don’t dare tell them. My Prague aunt forbade me to tell them, but she promised us that she’d take care for our happiness even if Auntie Pepinka should oppose it. A week ago he wrote me that next month we’d meet again.”

“You write to each other?”

“It’s this way—my Prague auntie can’t write and is near-sighted. Hynek—that’s his name—it’s a pretty name, isn’t it?”