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“No, but Bára might want to revenge herself.”

“Leave my daughter alone!” cried Jacob angrily. “If you want my services, I’m willing to give them. If not, it’s all right, too. The world is wide. God won’t forsake us!”

“Well, you see, it wouldn’t do to keep you, under the circumstances.”

“Then put into your herdsman’s hut whomsoever you please, and may you be here with God!” Jacob had never talked so much at once in all his life, nor had be ever been as angry as at that moment. He went home at once. Bára was not there. He went to untie Lišaj. The cow and bull which he had in charge were left to moo and bellow while he went to the parsonage.

Bára was standing before the priest.

“Did you parade around as a ghost?” the priest catechized her.

“Yes, reverend! Bára answered dauntlessly.

“And why?”

“I knew the steward was a coward. I wanted to frighten him off so he wouldn’t torture Miss Elška. She can’t bear him and would die if she had to marry him.”

“Remember its not your business to extinguish a fire that isn’t burning you. Even without you, it would have been settled. How were you able to vanish so suddenly from the bridge?”

“Very easily, reverend sir. I cast off the sheets and