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criticized by Havlíček for an extreme sentimentalism in their patriotic teachings.

In one of his comedies, Tyl inserted a poem entitled “Where is My Home?” which from the initial presentation won instant favor and was adopted as the national hymn of the Czechoslovaks.


Where is my home?
Where is my home?
Waters murmur o’er its fair leas,
Hills are green with rustling fir-trees,
Flow’rets bright with Spring’s perfumes,
A Paradise on earth it blooms,
That’s the land of loveliest beauty
Čechia, my motherland!
Čechia, my motherland!

Where is my home?
Where is my home?
In God’s beloved land are found
True gentle souls in bodies sound,
A happy peace which clear minds sow,
A strength defying warring foe.
Such are Čechia’s noble children
’Mongst the Čechs, my motherland!
’Mongst the Čechs, my motherland!

To the present day, Tyl’s “Strakonický Dudák” (The Bagpipe Player of Strakonits) a beautiful fairy drama, his “Paličova Dcera” (The Incendiary’s Daughter) and “České Amazonky” (The Czech Amazons) are still favorites.

Prokop Chocholoušek, journalist and correspondent, led an adventurous life whose rich and varied experi-