Page:Daany Beédxe.djvu/143

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build this complex were brought in the beginning from a faraway place, at the other side of the Valley. DAANY BEÉDXE represents the will of being and transcending from our old grandparents, is the human being spirit strength in search of the miraculous. –Light began displacing darkness-. In the Valley below, life began. Some clouds remained trapped at the foot of the sierra Norte. Night Eagle, you will have to share with this place for some time, and when you complete your learning you shall go away to come back and leave, this is the way, that is the agreement. Now let's receive the Sun, which emerges victorious from the region of death, of matter, from darkness, from ignorance. And upon saying this, the sun began come out between the mountains, over where the city of the dead lies.

The sun slowly emerged in the midst of a pale orange atmosphere, as if a burning disc. The majestic star gave off energy, which vitalized earth and the atmosphere; it seemed to slowly defeat the forces of darkness, which quickly withdrew to the west. When the Sun broke off from land,—Star serpent said- it's time take you to what will be your home, let's go.

They walked towards the southern part and emerged on the east side of the great pyramid. When they reached a construction in the back of the pyramid, Star serpent said to the candidate:

—It is customary that new comers first live to the east. Later, according to their own energy, shall move to the north or south side, to finally live in the west part. There below is a place for you, look for your site and whether you build a hut or find an abandoned that fits you, that's your choice. Tomorrow morning I will be here.

Night Eagle stood for a long time in the place where his teacher left him, then he started walking aimlessly, in his mind there were no ideas, only walked feeling pleasure in doing so, simply for the pleasure of walking without any idea or thought that justified it.