Page:Daany Beédxe.djvu/209

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rest, that in the afternoon they would lead him to the authority of the place. The boy ate, drank, and fell deeply asleep.

When he woke up, he left the room. At his feet was the plaza now deserted and in complete silence. The Lord of fire darts had just hid under the horizon. The sky was intense blue and some clouds that decorated the evening, began to change color. The flocks of birds were flying, with loud songs, towards the jungle interior. The ambiance warmth and the forest smell, permeating a feeling of wellbeing and joy.

Then the old man came. He carried a torch in his hand and asked him to follow him. They crossed the square and turned to the great elliptical pyramid. They climbed up the east side stairs. It followed an ascendant path, as moving snakes.

At the top of stairs was a room. The old man stayed at the door and invited the young man to enter. The interior was small and dark; a strong copal smell flooded the room. He heard a voice welcoming him and asked; who he was, where did he come from; what was the reason for their presence.

Until that point Night Eagle realized, that perhaps the violent discharge took him there, having acted unconsciously and instinctively, but when he heard the questions of the voice, terrified he realized he did not have the answers.

The silence was total; the warrior began a cold sweat. His mind was searching and researching in nothingness, and panicky noticed, nothing came. Inside, the questions echoed and as in a huge dark cave. He began to feel dizzy and the room shadows, turned into total darkness.

Immense distress was beginning to overflow from his chest. He made a great effort to remember and nothing came to his mind.