Page:Daany Beédxe.djvu/243

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in those five days. Night Eagle's chest was saturated with pain, his heart was impaled on thorns and small bitterness streaks ran down his cheeks. He had just encountered love and he had to leave it, there was no alternative.

Night Eagle broke the embrace of her beloved and firmly said that he would find "The stone of power" and would return for her. He left the room and began walking toward the east. Through his cheeks ran down all the excruciating bitterness that oppressed his heart; Rain flower knew that the warrior could not return for her and knowing this, he followed her beloved, without him realizing it; because she knew she would die anyway, from sadness in her heart.

As a shadow, Rain flower followed Night Eagle in the distance. Her deep stare covered the Warrior with her love. Gradually the woman started vanishing gradually, her tears became dew drops and her body faded into nothing.

That night was full moon. The warrior walked great strides down a white road he encountered. His body was completely wet from sweat, he was about to collapse from thirst fever and fatigue. His mind was fixed with the idea of "The power stone of the feathered serpent"; and heart kept the image of Rain flower. Involuntarily started to repeat out loud, as a prayer, a sacred chant:

"It is not true that we live,
it is not true that we last
on Earth.
I have to leave the beautiful flowers,
I have to go in search of the site of mystery!
But for a short time,
Let’s sing our beautiful chants."