Page:Daany Beédxe.djvu/308

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that his life had no meaning, that he had failed to fully recover his memory and that the life memories he had, were to find the Etla Valley, where he believed his home and identity would be. However, he came from there, because after many years and sacrifices, when to reached the Etla Valley, nobody had recognized him and did not have anything else in life, only wait for death.

Night Eagle told him that on the search road of his origins, he had managed to rid of all the feelings of possession, and especially, of the vice of feeling unhealthy love for himself, that all personal importance had been reduced to almost nothing. That he was not interested in the world of ideas and objects; that he wished nothing and that he rejected nothing; that he knew nobody could defeat him and he could not defeat anyone. In the stillness of his spirit, he had decided to leave this world.

—I feel that my task in this world has concluded —said the Warrior with a definitive tone and without regret in his words— it is my internal decision.

—So be it, —answered the high priest—, and then asked him to follow him. In the center of a patio, surrounded by four rectangular buildings, was the entrance to a underground tunnel.

Through a corridor, came to a large square chamber. In each of the large chamber walls, were doors leading to separate rooms.

In the first one at the right side, was a beautiful altar to the Lord and the Lady of death. The second room was a vast crypt, richly carved with friezes, where were the remains of the high priests of the Lord and the Lady of death. In the third room was another crypt, in which rested the remains of the leaders of the peoples of the region. The last door, to the north side, lead to a room that was empty and there was only a large circular slab, the size of the wall and about three bodies wide.