Page:Daany Beédxe.djvu/55

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in many groups,
and there arrived at the edge of the water,
to the North coast,
and where they left their boats,
at Panuco, where people walked over the water
immediately followed the water's edge
were searching the mountains,
some the white mountains
and the smoky mountains."

Then Smoky mirror told them a wonderful story, which was the treasure of all the peoples of the mainland. Told them that the old and wise grandparents knew that there were other continents, beyond where the far sea ends. That there was a huge ring around the world. That for a long time, all men lived in a wonderful place; around a lake and that seven groups lived, in seven caves. And that one day the gods ordered them to go in search of a sacred place. As a sign to find the promised land, the gods told them, they were to find an eagle standing on top of a cactus between stones and in a lake, devouring tunas, as it would be the signal to again found their home.

Smoky mirror explained to them that the sacred history was a parable, which enclosed a great secret:

—As you know, since the world began, the old grandparents taught us that the Eagle is the symbol of the Sun, our father and Lord. The Snake is the symbol of wisdom. The nopal is the symbol of humanity, because it is immortal. Humanity bears fruits, such as the Cactus bears tunas. In addition -he said- the fruit of the tuna flourishes. Men to become mankind flourished fruit, needs of land and water to live. In this way, the old grandparents toured the world, to reach this land. You know —added Smoky mirror— that this is not our real home, we are here only for a brief time, to flourish our hearts and to reach the House of our Great Lord; omnipresent, the Owner of the Near and the Next, because he, is the owner