Page:Dale - A Marriage Below Zero.djvu/163

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A Marriage Below Zero.

my dear, Nothing could be worse than that. It is the lowest, most degrading passion. Lady Erminow has my heartfelt sympathy. By-the-bye, Elsie, Arthur, you omitted to tell me—is he abstemious?"

"Yes—as far as I know," I answered, bitterly.

"I thought it," said my mother, triumphantly. "The cause of his neglect must be found elsewhere. Do not worry yourself at all, Elsie."

"What do you mean?" I asked excitedly. " Do you think you know why he neglects me?"

My mother looked at me with intense scorn. "Of course I do. Do you suppose I have lived so long in the world without being able to diagnose this simple case of domestic infelicity. My dear Elsie, another girl of your age would not need aid in this matter. The case is absolutely transparent. Husband indifferent, always away from home, uninterested in wife—why, my dear child, it is all as plain as a pikestaff."

I listened eagerly. If I only understood the situation I had no doubt but that I could grapple