Page:Dale - A Marriage Below Zero.djvu/312

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A Marriage Below Zero.

At the Guion dock, I learned that the Alaska had sailed for Liverpool at six o'clock that morning. I had no difficulty in ascertaining that two gentlemen had driven up about ten minutes before the vessel sailed. One of them was stout; the other slight and with a pale face.

I almost laughed at the completeness with which one piece of evidence fitted into the other.

I drove back to my hotel. I was alone in a strange country, but it was not that fact which annoyed me. No one would run away with me, I was sorry to say. I thought of the future, and it seemed so black that I could not look into it. I resolved to make one more effort to save my husband from a fate which I did not understand. I saw that a Cunard steamer was sailing the next day—the fast Etruria. I could reach Liverpool before the Alaska.

I had no sooner seen this than one last ray of hope roused me to energy. I packed up my few goods, and the next day I was speeding across the ocean.

I have little more to say. I arrived in Liverpool, as I thought I should do, a day before the