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SInce now the world’s turn’d upside down,
and all things chang'd in nature;
As if a doubt was newly grown,
we had the same Creator:
Of ancient modes and former ways,
I'll teach you, Sirs, the manner,
In good Queen Befs’s golden days,
when I was Dame of Honour.

I had an ancient noble seat,
tho’ now 'tis come to ruin;
Where mutton, beef, and such good meat,
in th’ hall were daily chewing:
Of humming beer, my cellar full,
I was the yearly donor:
Where topping knaves had made a pull,
when I was Dame of Honour.

My men with home-spun honest greys,
had coats and homely badges;
They wore no dirty ragged lace,
nor ne'er complain’d of wages:
For gaudy fringe and silks o’th' town,
I fear'd no threat'ning Dunner;
But wore a decent grogram gown,
when I was Dame of Honour.

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