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Remember Helen, as we read,
Brought Troy from bliss unto bare waws:
Then let her gae where she may speed,
For fint a crum of thee she faws.

Because she said, I took it ill,
For her depart my heart was fair,
But was beguil’d; gae where she will,
Beshrew the heart that first takes care:
But be thou merry late and air,
This is the final end and clause,
And let her feed and fooly fair,
For fint a crum of thee she faws.

Ne’er dunt again within my breast,
Ne’er let her slights thy courage spill,
Nor gi’e a fab, although she sneest,
She's fairest paid that gets her will,
She gecks as gif I meant her ill,
When she glaiks paughty in her braws;
Now let her snirt and syke her fill,
For fint a crum of thee she faws.

Captain Thunderbolt’s Intrigue.

IT was in the month of April,
one morning by the dawn,
When violets and cowslips,
bestrewed every lawn;
And Flora’s flow’ry mantle,
bedeck’d the fields with pride,
I met with a lovely damsel
down by the Shannon-side.