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Dangerous Goods (Shipping) Regulation 2012

Part 1
L.N. 56 of 2012
Section 2

(d) a public officer who, in carrying out his or her duties, handles or supervises the handling of any dangerous goods on board the vessel;

pyrotechnic special effects material (煙火特別效果物料) means any dangerous goods that are materials within the meaning of pyrotechnic special effects material under section 2 of the Entertainment Special Effects Ordinance (Cap. 560);

Schedule 1 dangerous goods (附表1危險品) has the meaning given by section 2 of the Dangerous Goods (Application and Exemption) Regulation 2012;

Schedule 2 dangerous goods (附表2危險品) has the meaning given by section 2 of the Dangerous Goods (Application and Exemption) Regulation 2012;

tropical cyclone warning signal (熱帶氣旋警告訊號) means a tropical cyclone warning signal issued by the Hong Kong Observatory;

type 1 vessel (第1類船隻) means any vessel other than a type 2 or type 3 vessel;

type 2 vessel (第2類船隻) means any vessel that is specifically designed or constructed for the carriage of Class 2, 3 or 3A dangerous goods in bulk but excludes a type 3 vessel;

type 3 vessel (第3類船隻) means any vessel, whether or not specifically designed or constructed for the carriage of Class 2, 3 or 3A dangerous goods in bulk, that is—

(a) used solely within the waters of Hong Kong, whether registered under the Merchant Shipping (Registration) Ordinance (Cap. 415) or in a place outside Hong Kong;
(b) regularly employed in trading to or from Hong Kong unless registered in a place outside Hong Kong;
(c) possessed or used for pleasure purposes in the waters of Hong Kong; or