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To the right Hono-
rable and vertuous Lady Helena
Marqueße of North-hampton.

I Haue the rather preſumed humbly to offer vnto your Honor the dedication of this little Poëme, for that the noble and vertuous Gentlewoman of whom it is written, was by match neere alied, and in affection greatly deuoted vnto your Ladiſhip. The occaſion why I wrote the ſame, was aſ well the great good fame which I heard of her deceaſſed, as the particular good will which I beare vnto her huſband Maſter Arthure Gorges, a louer of learning and verture, whoſe houſe as your Ladiſhip by marriage hath honoured, ſo doo I finde the name of them by many notable records, to be of great antiquitie in this Realm; and ſuch as haue ever borne themſelves with honorable

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