drove away with him, the favorite of all their many farm pets.
After his short and uneventful life on the island farm it was a strange and eventful journey upon which little Dapples had set out. But this was only the first of many long trips that he was destined to take. First he was loaded on a small steamer bound for the mainland. After a few hours of rather rough sailing the ship touched at a harbor which was also a railroad terminal, and the crate containing Dapples was transferred to the railroad. After two or three rather stupid days of bumping about in freight cars the small horse finally arrived at his destination, a town in Kent, England.
So he had come at one jump from the bleak, desolate Shetlands to one of the most beautiful shires of England. It was a strange transition, but of course Dapples did not appreciate it fully until he had seen his new home.
After his crate had been shoved out on