Again the three youngsters took a commanding position and watched while the section disgorged its load of wonders. They were the most interested in the unloading of the animals. But Freckles's attention was soon claimed by some of the chariot and ring horses, that now stepped daintily from a car devoted especially to them. But he fairly went wild when they began unloading a car of special riding ponies, among which were several Shetlands.
One of these, a beautiful dapple bay, especially claimed his attention. This pony's coat shone like satin, and he held his head high and stepped like a thoroughbred.
"Fellers, fellers, look at him!" cried Freckles. "Ain't he a peach! I mean the dapple bay pony. Gee, wouldn't I like to ride him." Freckles was so excited about the dapple pony that he wanted to follow after him to the circus lot at once, but the others would not.