the ground, and men with sledge-hammers began driving in large stakes where the small ones had been. Almost before they knew it, the perimeter of the menagerie tent had been laid out.
"Come, fellers, run. They are hauling up the big top. Hurry."
The three made all speed toward the spot where the big top was going up. Two horses were raising the centre-pole and much of the canvas at a single stroke. When the centre-poles had been hauled into an upright position, they were made fast by guy-ropes, and the framework for the big top was in place. Meanwhile other men had been setting up the sidepoles. These were twelve feet high and twelve feet apart. Still other men were lacing together the canvas for the side walls. That likewise went up like magic, and everything was ready with the exception of the seats. But while the wondering boys were speculating about these, a chair wagon rattled up and men began