the circus would parade. They had some difficulty in finding just the place that they wanted, but they finally managed it.
When the glittering pageant at last appeared, they were perched like three monkeys on the top step of one of the churches of the town. They were sure of a fine view, for the parade would pass immediately in front of them. First rode one of the managers dressed like a herald. Then came the Queen of Sheba, mounted upon a wonderful milk-white horse. Her crown sparkled in the sunlight, and her regal robes fairly made the eyes ache. She carried herself with dignity, even if she had once been a waitress in a hotel. Close behind her the first of the three blaring circus bands poured out a flood of stirring music. Their instruments shone, and their uniforms glittered as only those of a circus band can.
Then came the two stately, swaying elephants, looking for all the world just as