Wonder succeeded wonder, and miracle succeeded miracle.
Beany and Pickles went wild and shouted and gesticulated, but Freckles was quiet, watching and waiting for the coming of the little horse, who, he knew, was called Sir Wilton III. He had discovered this from a bill-board, and his driver was Tony Riata, the world's greatest boy equestrian, whatever that might be.
Finally Dapples appeared, and Freckles settled back in his seat in perfect bliss.
First he appeared as a saddle pony. He galloped, trotted, and ran. His rider clung to the saddle by one hand and one foot, then sprang from his back and raced by his side, only to spring lightly on at the right moment. They at once captivated the crowd. Finally they disappeared, and a few minutes later the little horse reappeared as Sir Wilton, the trick pony. Here Dapples again went through all the tricks that his old groom, Jerry McCoy,