Page:Dave Porter and his Rivals.djvu/312

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rattles, and banners with them. The Rockville cadets were also alive to the occasion, and the combined din from both sides was deafening.

"Here is where we do up Oak Hall!"

"Here is where Rockville gets another defeat!"

"Remember, this is for the championship of the Leming River!"

So the cries rang on, drowned ever and anon by the tooting of horns and the clacking of rattles. Soon came a short practice, and then the two sevens lined up for the great contest.

At a glance it was easy to see that the Rockville team was a fine one. Every player was tall and thin, and an exceptionally swift skater. They had been well drilled into team work, and sent the puck from one player to another in a manner that brought forth many favorable comments.

"We sure have our work cut out for us!" whispered Ben to Dave. "They are the swiftest bunch I have yet seen on skates."

"And their captain is certainly a star," added Shadow. "I never saw a fellow turn quicker or send the puck with more force."

"We've got to fight and fight hard!" cried Dave. "I want every fellow on the job, first, last, and all the time!"