Page:Dave Porter on Cave Island.djvu/26

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girl chum's newly-found brother, and this led to a visit to the ranch, as told of in "Dave Porter at Star Ranch." Here Dave again met Link Merwell, and proved that the latter had been aiding some horse-thieves in their wicked work. Mr. Merwell had to settle a heavy bill because of his son's actions, and then, for a short space of time, Link disappeared.

With the coming of fall, Dave and his chums returned to Oak Hall, as related in the volume preceding this, called "Dave Porter and His Rivals." As his chief enemies had left the school, he did not anticipate much trouble, yet trouble came in a manner somewhat out of the ordinary. Nat Poole joined a group of students who had come to Oak Hall from another school, and the crowd did what it could to get Dave and his friends off the football eleven. Then, when Dave had once more fought his way to the front, came word that Nick Jasniff and Link Merwell were again "after his scalp," as Roger expressed it. Jasniff and Merwell were then attending a rival institution of learning known as Rockville Military Academy.

"Be careful, or they'll play you some dirty trick, Dave," said Phil, wamingly.

"I've got my eyes open," replied Dave.

In a rather unusual manner Dave had become acquainted with a man named Hooker Montgomery, a fake doctor, who traveled around the