Page:Dave Porter on Cave Island.djvu/48

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coming down so thickly that the boys could see but little around them. The sky was now growing quite dark.

"I don't like this," was Phil's comment. "We'll have no fun of it getting back to school, especially if the snow gets so deep that we can't skate on the ice."

"Say, this puts me in mind of a story," commenced Shadow. "Once two boys were caught in a storm and——"

"We haven't any time for yarns now, Shadow!" cried Dave. "It's back to the camping place as fast as we can get there, and then off for school, unless we want to be snowed in along the route!"

All started across the island, which, at that point, was not over seventy-five yards wide. They came out at a spot just above where they had stopped for lunch. Soon all of them stood close to where lay the remains of the campfire, now covered with the fast-falling snow.

"Hello! What does this mean?"

"Where is the hamper?"

"Where is the game?"

"What has become of the skates?"

"Where is that overcoat I left on the tree?"

These and several other questions were asked in rapid succession. Then the Oak Hall students looked at each other in blank dismay.