political opinions among the workers, so that they do not act as a unit on the political field as they do on the economic field.
5. At present, there is chaos and confusion in the political realm of the Labor Movement.
Hunter, Robert—Labor in Politics; The Socialist Party, 1915.
Marot, Helen—American Labor Unions; Chapter XLX, Labor in politics—Holt, 1914.
Perlman, S.—History of Trade Unionism in the United States; Chapter IV, Why There Is Not a Labor Party, Macmillan, 1922.
Hillquit, Morris—History of Socialism in the United States, Chapter IV, Present Day Socialism.
Commons and Associates—History of Labor in the United States; Vol. I, Part II, Chap. II, Rise and Growth in Phialdelphia; Chap. III, Workingmen's Parties in New York; Chap IV, Spread of the Movement; Chap. V, New England Associates of Farmers, Mechanics and other workingmen; Vol. II, Part VI, Chapt. II, Revolutionary Beginnings; Chap. VI, The Greenback Labor Agitation; Chap. VI, From Socialism, 1876–1880; Anarchism and Syndicalism, 1876–1880; Chap. XII, The Political Upheaval, 1886–1887; pp. 509–510—The Latest Attempts Toward a Labor Party.
1. Social movements must have organization to coordinate their activities and make them effective as well as to discipline the participants.
2. The effectiveness of unions depends to a large extent upon their form and structure. Whether workers should be organized on craft, trade or industrial lines has been the bone of contention in the Labor Movement since its inception.
3. This subject can be most intelligently approached by tracing historically the development of form and structure, and then analyzing the various types in existence at present.
1. The first unions in this country were formed on craft lines by handicraftsmen.
2. With the introduction of machinery and division of labor, culminating in the modern factory, the efficiency of craft unionism began to be questioned. Nearly all unions widened their jurisdiction and admitted semi-skilled workers to membership. A few admitted the unskilled.