ought first to plead in favour of the child, and only in the second place in honour of the grandfather.
‘’The spiritual onslaught.’’—“You must settle this with yourself, for your life is at stake." With these words Luther suddenly bursts upon us aud fancies that we feel the knife at our throats. But we repel him with the words of one higher and more considerate than himself."It rests with us to form no opinion whatever on this thing or that, and so to save trouble to our souls. For the things themselves cannot, in their nature, force is to give an opinion."
‘’Poor humanity!’’—One drop of blood too many or too few in the brain can make our life unspeakably miserable and hard, so that we may have to suffer more from this one drop than Prometheus did from his vulture. But things are at their worst when we do not even know that this drop is the cause of our sufferings. But "the devil"! Or "sin"!
‘’The philology of Christianity’’—How little Christianity cultivates the love for honesty and fairness may be pretty well judged from the character of the writings of its literary men. They put forward their conjectures as