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multiplied throughout thousands of years (and extravasations of blood under the skin)? Whereas in other more intelligent tribes the white skin resulted from their having as frequently grown pallid through fear? For the degree of timidity is a graduator of intelligence : and frequent indulgence of blind rage is a sign that animal nature is still on the look—out, and longing for an opportunity to burst through again. Thus a greyish brown would be the primitive colour of man—somewhat of the ape and bear hue, as is meet.


Independence.—Independence in its weakest dose called "freedom of thought") is the form of resignation to which the imperious mau stoops in the evil—who, for a long time, has been looking for something which he might govern, without finding anything but himself.


The two directions..—When we try to examine the mirror in itself we eventually detect nothing but the things reflected by it. When we wish to grasp the things reflected, we touch nothing but the mirror. This is the general history of knowledge.


Delight in the real.—Our present love of delight in the real which we have, all of us—is accounted for by