⬤"Do Your Ears Hang Low?" -- to the tune of "Turkey in the Straw" (Do this one slowly; good actions but words are difficult)
Do your ears hang low? (point to ears)
Do they wobble to and fro? (move hands back and forth)
Can you tie them in a knot? (tie an imaginary knot)
Can you tie them in a bow? (tie an imaginary bow)
Can you throw them over your shoulder (motion over shoulder)
like a Continental soldier? (salute)
Do your ears hang low? (point to ears and then to ground)
⬤"Little Bunny Foo-Foo" -- simple actions; campers can learn chorus (all groups)
Little Bunny Foo-Foo hopping through the forest (two fingers, hopping motion)
Scooping up the field mice (scooping motion) and battin' them on the head (hit one fist with other hand).
said: Down came the good fairy (downward motion) and she said,
sung: "Little Bunny Foo-Foo, I don't want to see you (shake finger)
sung: Scooping up the field mice (scooping motion) and battin' them on the head (hit one fist with other hand).
sung: I'll give you (3, 2, or 1) more chance(s) (1st through 3rd verse)
sung: And then turn you into a goon.
(Repeat from beginning, reducing number of chances)
End: "I gave you three chances and now I'll turn you into a goon. Poof."
Moral: "Hare today and goon tomorrow."
⬤"My Hat" -- simple (all groups)[1]
My hat it has three corners (point to head and make a hat)
Three corners has my hat (hold up three fingers, point to head)
And had it not three corners (shake head "no")
It would not be my hat (point to head).
⬤"Six Little Ducks" -- good actions; do slowly (all groups)[2]
Six little ducks that I once knew (six fingers)
Fat ones, tall ones, skinny ones too. (pantomime)