Mor. (suddenly rising.) With his last, last breath
He bade me save his brother!
(Falling at Melech’s feet.) Father, spare
The Christian—spare him!
Mel. For thy sake spare him
That slew thy father's son!—Shame to thy race!
(To the soldiers in the background.)
Soldiers! come nearer with your levell'd spears!
Yet nearer!—gird him in! My boy's young blood
Is on his sword. Christian, abjure thy faith,
Or die: thine hour is come!
Rai. (turning and throwing himself on the weapons
of the soldiers.) Thou hast mine answer, Infidel!
Knights of France!
Herman! De Foix! Du Mornay! be ye strong!
Your hour will come!——
Must the old war-cry cease?
[Half raising himself, and waving the cross triumphantly.
For the Cross—De Chatillon!
[He dies.
(The curtain falls.)