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added beneath them. Of the three historical subjects, the chief type, or principal piece, is taken from the New Testament, and occupies the centre of the page, between the two antitypes, or subordinate subjects, which are allusive to it. The two busts, placed in the middle of the upper part of the page, represent David and Isaiah between two texts of the Bible, with brief explanations. The former of these, on the left of the Prophets, is from the Song of Solomon, Chapter iv, 7:

Legitur in Cantico Canticorum, quarto capite, quod sponsus alloquitur sponsam et eam sumendo dixit: Tota pulchra es, amica mea, et macula non est in te. Veni amica mea, veni coronabere. Sponsus verus iste est Christus, qui in assumendo eam sponsam, quæ est anima sine macula omnis peccati, et introducit eam in requiem æternam; et cornat cum corona immortalitatis.
In the fourth chapter of the Song of Solomon it is read, That the bridegroom addresses the bride, and receiving her, says, Thou art all fair, my love, and in thee is no spot. Come, my love; come, thou shalt be crowned. The real bridegroom is Christ, who, in receiving the bride, which is the soul without spot of sin, also conducts her to eternal rest, and crowns her with the crown of immortality.

The second passage, on the right of David and Isaiah, is partly taken from the Book of Revelation, and runs thus:

Legitur in Apocalypsi xxi⁰ capite, quod angelus Dei apprehendit Jhoannem Evangelistam cum esset in Spiritu, et volens sivi ostendere archana Dei, dixit ad eum, Veni et ostendam tivi sponsam, uxorem agni. Angelus Ioquitur ad omnem generationem ut veniant ad audcltandum in sponsum, agnum innocentem Christum animas innocentes coronantem.
In the twenty-first chapter of Revelation it is read, That the Angel of God took John the Evangelist when he was in the Spirit, and willing to show him the mysteries of God, said to him, Come, and I will show thee the bride, the wife of the Lamb. The Angel speaks to every generation, that they come and hearken to the bridegroom, the pure Lamb Christ, crowning innocent souls.

Under the bust of David, which is indicated by his name, is a scroll proceeding from his hand, inscribed:

Enim tanquam sponsus dominus procedens de thalamo suo.
Even as a bridegroom cometh out of his chamber. Ps. xix, 5.

Beneath the corresponding compartment containing a bust of Isaiah, is the word Ysaye, and also the ordinal number lxi, referring to the sixty-first chapter of that prophet; and from the hand of the figure proceeds a label containing:

Tamquam sponsus decoradit me corona.
As a bridegroom, he hath adorned me with a crown. lxi, 10.

Toward the bottom of the plate are two other busts, similar to those at the top, and which represent the Prophets Ezekiel and