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Dear Liberty


Maryland Will Be Free.

Tune.Carry me back to Old Virginny.

By Miss R. L., a Daughter of Dixie.

Farewell, dear Liberty, farewell for awhile,
E’re long we’ll greet thee again;
To bear with oppression, and in God put our trust,
And the Sons of our home will proclaim
All is now well again;
And Maryland is free—
The chains of Liberty is unbound,
We’ll cast our destiny.

The siege of oppression is now near an end,
The usurpers are men of our homes;
The vilest of wretches that infest our soil,
To make laws to predict our doom.
All will be well again, &c.

The loved ones in battle will return to their homes,
To be cherished by them that are dear;
Our Fathers now in prison will partake of the feast,
And I am sure they’ll have nothing to fear.
All will be well again, &c.

In silence and peace we’ll repair to the box,
There to make known our doom;
And then we’ll proclaim to the world in one voice,
The South is forever our home.
All is now well again, &c.

The grottoes, the rivers, the hills, and the plains,
Will abound with mirth and great glee;
And the love of our Country forever is dear,
Where the heart of her people are free.
All is now well again, &c.