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The earl of Mars bonny thing,
and muckle booket wallit;
Play the same tune o'er again,
and down the burn for a that

Gin ye had been whare I hae been,
ye wadna been sae wantin;
I got the lang girdin o't
an' fell thro the gantrin.
O'er the hills and far away,
my bonny winsome Willie,
Whare shall our goodman lie?
the gleed earl of Kelly.

Todle but and todle ben,
hey Tam Brandy,
Crack a louse on Maggys wame,
little Cocky Bendy
Theres three sheeps skins,
the barber an his bason.
The bonny lass o Paties Mill;
wi the free an accepted mason.

On Etterick banks ae summer night,
the clifty rocks to view man;
Katrine Ogie gat a fright,

'mang Scotlands bells sae blue man.