Page:Debates in the Several State Conventions, v4.djvu/266

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that amendment or not?" and it was negatived; whereupon Mr. IREDELL moved that the yeas and nays should be taken, and he was seconded by Mr. STEELE. They were accordingly taken, and were as follows:—

His excellency, Samuel Johnston, President.
Messrs. Ja's Iredell, Edmund Blount, Thomas Hunter, Thomas Hervey,
Archibald Maclaine, Chowan. Gates. John Skinner,
Nathan Keas, Henry Abbot, Thomas Wyns, Samuel Harrel,
John G. Blount, Isaac Gregory, Abraham Jones, Joseph Leech,
Thomas Anderson, Peter Dauge, John Eborne, Wm. Bridges,
John Johnson, Charles Grandy, James Jasper, Wm. Burden,
Andrew Oliver, Enoch Sawyer, Caleb Forman, Edmund Blount,
Goodwin Elliston, George Lucas, Seth Hovey, Tyrel.
Charles M'Dowall, John Willis, John Sloan, Simeon Spruil,
Richard D. Spaight, John Cade, John Moore, David Tanner,
William J. Dawson, Elias Barnes, William Maclaine, Whitmill Hill,
James Porterfield, Neil Brown, Nathan Mayo, Benjamin Smith,
Wm. Barry Grove, James Winchester, William Slade, John Sitgreaves,
George Elliott, William Stokes, William M'Kenzie, Nathaniel Allen,
Wallis Styron, Thomas Stewart, Robert Erwin, Thomas Owen,
William Sheppard, Josiah Collins, John Lane, George Wyns,
Carteret. Thomas Hines, Thomas Reading, David Perkins,
James Philips, Nathaniel Jones, Edward Everagain, Joseph Ferebee,
John Humphreys, John Steele, Enoch Rolfe, Wm. Ferebee,
Michael Payne, William R. Davie, Devotion Davis, Wm. Baker,
Charles Johnston, Joseph Reddick, William Skinner, Abner Neal.
Stephen Cabarrus, James Gregory, Joshua Skinner, 84.
Messrs. Willie Jones, Wm. Fort, John Dunkin, Thomas Tyson,
Samuel Spencer, Etheld. Gray, David Dodd, W. Martin,
Lewis Lanier, Wm. Lancaster, Curtis Ivey, Thomas Hunter,
Thomas Wade, Thomas Sherrod, Lewis Holmes, Martin.
Daniel Gould, John Norward, Richard Clinton, John Graham,
James Bonner, Sterling Dupree, H. Holmes, Wm. Loftin,
Alexius M. Foster, Robert Williams, Robert Alison, Wm. Kindal,
Lewis Dupree, Richard Moye, James Stewart, Thomas Ussery,
Thomas Brown, Arthur Forbes, John Tipton, Thomas Butler,
James Greenlee, David Caldwell, John Macon, John Bentford,
Joseph M'Dowall, Wm. Goody, Thomas Christmass, James Vaughan,
Robert Miller, Daniel Gillespie, H. Monfort, Robert Peebles,
Benjamin Williams, John Anderson, Wm. Taylor, James Vinson,
Richard Nixon, John Hamilton, James Hanley, Wm. S. Marnes,
Thomas Armstrong, Thomas Person, Britain Saunders, Howell Ellin,
Alex. M'Allister, Joseph Taylor, Wm. Lenoir, Redmond Bunn,
Robert Dickens, Thornton Yancey, R. Allen, John Bonds,
George Roberts, Howell Lewis, Jun., John Brown, David Pridgen,
John Womack, E. Mitchell, Joseph Herndon, Daniel Yates,
Ambrose Ramsey, George Moore, James Fletcher, Thomas Johnston,
James Anderson, George Ledbetter, Lemuel Burkit, John Spicer,
Jos. Stewart, Wm. Porter, Wm. Little, A. Tatom,
Wm. Vestal, Zebedee Wood, Thomas King, Alex. Mebane,
Thomas Evans, Edmund Waddell, Nathan Bryan, Wm. Mebane,
Thomas Hardiman, James Galloway, John H. Bryan, Wm. M'Cauley,
Robert Weakley, J. Regan, Edward Whitty, Wm. Sheppard,
Wm. Donnelson, Joseph Winston, Robert Alexander, Orange.
Wm. Dobins, James Gains, James Johnson, Jonathan Linley,
Robert Diggs, Charles M'Annelly, John Cox, Wyatt Hawkins,
Bythel Bell, Absalom Bostick, John Carrel, James Payne,
Elisha Battle, John Scott, Cornelius Doud, John Graves,