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DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED PEERAGE. Chancellor from Feb. till Dec. 1868, to which office he was re-appointed Feb. 1874. Sat as M.P. for Belfast, (C.) 185266. Created Hon. LL.D. of Cambridge, 1862, Hon. D C.L. of Oxford, 1863 ; was knighted 1858, and elected Chancellor of the University of Dublin, 1867 : married (1856) Mary Harriet, daughter of the late John MacNeile, Esq. of Parkmount, (co.) Antrim, and has issue, living, Sons, Arthur William, b. 1861. Herbert John, b. 1863. Wilfred Dallas, b. 1865. Douglas Halyburton, b. 1867. Daughters, Lilias Charlotte, *. I860. Kathleen Mary, b. 1870. Creation, Baron Cairns of Garmoyle, (co.) Antrim, in the peerage of the United Kingdom, 1867. '3nns, Gules : three martlets, proper, within a bordure, or. Crest, A martlet, proper. Supporters, On either side a hawk, proper. Seats, Milkten, Brechin, N.B.; Lindisfarne, Bournemouth. Town Residence, 5, Cromwell Houses, W. Clubs,-*- Athenaeum, Carlton. CAITHNESS, EARL OF. (SINCLAIR.) Sits as BARON BARROGILL. JAMES SINCLAIR, F.R.S. 14th Earl in the peerage of Scotland, and 1st Baron in that of the United Kingdom, a Baronet, and Lord Lieut, of Caitnness-shire. Born Dec. 16th, 1821 ; succeeded his father in 1855; was educated at Edinburgh; was a Lord in Waiting to the Queen, 1855 8, and 1859 66; was a Represen- tative Peer of Scotland, 1858 66 ; became Hon. Col. 1st Caithness-shire Adminis- trative Brigade Corps, 1867 ; is Inventor of a locomotive road steam engine, and patentee of the Caithness Gravitation Compass : married 1st (1847) Louisa Georgiana, daughter of Sir George Richard Philips, 2nd Bart, (this lady died 1870), and has issue, living, Son, George Philips Alexander, Lord Berriedale, b. 1858. Daughter, Fanny Georgiana Elizabeth, b. 1854. His lordship married 2ndly (1872), Marie, only surviving daughter of the late Senor Don Antonio de Mariategui, and widow of his Excellency Gen. the Count de Medina Pomar. Creations, Karl of Caithness and Baron Berriedale, in the peerage of Scotland, 1455. Baron Barrogill, in the peerage of the United Kingdom, 1866. A Baronet, 1629. arms, Quarterly : azure and or ; in the 1st quarter a lymphad at anchor, sails furled, and oars erect in saltire, within a double tressure flory counterflory, all or, for the earldom ot Orkney , m the 2nd and 3rd, a lion rampant, gules, Spur; in the 4th, a ship under sail, or, tor the^title of Caithness : over all a cross engrailed, sable, for Sinclair. (Crest, A cock, proper. Supporters, Two griffins, wings elevated, proper, beaked and membered, or. Seats, Stagenhoe-park, near Welwyn, Hertfordshire; Barrogill-castle, and Tister- honse, near Thurso, Caithness-shire. Town Residence, 46, Portland-place, W. Clubs, Brooks's, Athenaeum. CAITHNESS, Earl of, His lordship's predecessor was his father, Alex- ander Campbell, 13th Earl of Caithness, b July 24, 1790; succeeded his father, July Hi, 1823; m. Nov. 22, 1813, Frances Harriet, daughter of the Very Rev. W. Leigh, Dean of Hereford, (she d. 1854) : his lordship d. Dec. 34, 1855, having issue three sons.