Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/178

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106 DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED PEERAGE. CLANWILLIAM, EARL OF. (MEADE.) Sits as BARON. RICHARD CHARLES FRANCIS MEADE, H.C.H., D.C.L , 3rd Earl, and a Baronet. Born Aug 15th, 1795; succeeded his fa- ther in 1805; entered the Diplomatic Service, 1814; after fulfilling various minor offices, served as Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs for fifteen months, before being appointed (Jan. 1822), and held that office until Aug. of the same year ; was Chef de Chancellerie to the Ex- traordinary Mission to the Congress at Verona, 1822, and was Envoy Extraor- dinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at Berlin, 18238. Was created Hon. D.C.L. of Oxford, 1834, and is Capt. of Deal Castle. Married (1830) Lady Elizabeth Herbert, 2nd daughter of the llth Earl of Pembroke, (this lady died, 1858), and has issue, living, Si>ni, Richard James, Lord Gilford, b. 1832; became a Captain in the Royal Navy, 1859 ; served in the Chinese war, and was wounded at the assault on Canton, 1857; has commanded H.M. Ships "Hercules," and "Asia"; appointed a Naval Aide-de-Camp to Her Majesty 18/2; has been a Junior Lord of the Admiralty since 1S74: m. 1867, Elizabeth Henrietta, eldest daiTghter of Arthur Edward Kennedy, C.B., late Governor of Vancouver Island, and has, with other issue, Richard Chdiies Meade, b. 1868. Clubs, St. James's, United Service. Robert Henry, b. 1835, m. 1865. The Rev. Sidney, b. 1839, m. 1868. Daughter, Selma Catherine, b. 1831, m. 1862, (Bidwell). Crsations, Baron Gilford and Viscount Clanwilliam, 1/66, Earl of Clanwilliam, 177ti, all in the peerage of Ireland; Baron Clanwiliiam, in the peerage of the United Kingdom, 1S23. A Baronet, 1703. Srms, Gules : a chevron, ermine between three trefoils slipped, argent. (Trtst, An eagle with two heac's displayed, sable, armed, or. .Supporters, Dexter, an eagle close, sable ; sinister, a falcon close, proper, both plain collared and chained, or. Seats, Gill-hall, Dromore, (co.) Town, Ireland; Deal-castle, Deal, Kent. Town Residence, 32, Belgrave-square, S.W. Club, Carlton. CLANWILLIAM, Earl of, His lordship's predecessor was his father, Richard, 2nd Earl of Clanwilliam. He was b. May 13, 1766, and succeeded his father, Oct. 19, 1800: m. Oct. 6, 1793, Caroline, Countess of Thun, (she d. 1804), having had issue two sons and three daughters; 2ndly, July 6, 1805, Margaret Irene, widow of Molynenx, Lord Shuldham ; and d. in the following September, without issue from his last marriage. Her ladysmp d. in 180H. CLARENDON, EARL OF. (VILLIERS.) EDWARD HYDE VILLIERS, 5th Earl. Born Feb. llth, 1846; succeeded his father 1870 ; educated at Harrow and at Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A. 1867). Is a Magistrate for Warwickshire and a Dep. -Lieut, for South Warwickshire. Sat as M.P. for Brecon (L.) 186970, having in 18G8 unsuccessfully contested South Warwickshire. Brothers living, George Patrick Hyde, (heir pre- sumptive ; b. 1847; entered the Grenadier Gaurds as Ensign and Lieut. 1867, and became Lieut, and Capt. 1870 was an Instructor ol 'J he cross is the test of faith.