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18 DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. roiwmfy JKfe gtoipw 6, NEW BRIDGE STREET, BLAOKFRIARS, LONDON, E.O. ESTABLISHED 1823. EMPOWERED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT, 3 WILLIAM IT. Birentors. CTwurmau-HENRY BARNETT, Esq. Deputy Chairman The Right Hon. E. PLEYDELL BOUYERIE. CHARLES ARTHUR BARCLAY, Esq. I C. H. W. A COURT REPINGTON, Esq. MICHAEL BIDDULPH, Esq., M.P. GEORGK KETTILBY RTCKARDS, Esq. EDWARD CHARRINGTON, Esq. I ALFRED SARTORIS, Esq. Hon. CHAS. D. R. H ANBURY-TRACY, M.P. AUGUSTUS KEPPEL STEPHENSON, Esq. JOHN HARMAN, Esq. [ RICHARD TAYLOR, Esq. Auditors. ALFRED BUCKLEY, Esq. I JOHN HOWFLL, Esq. HUGH MACKAY GORDON, Esq. JOHN GILLIAM STILWELL, Esq. Physician WM. R. BASHAM, Esq., M.D., 17, Chester Street, Belgrave Square. Surgeon, -GEO. D. POLLOCK, Esq., F.R.C.S., 36, Grosvenor Street, W. Solicitor CHARLES WARING YOUNG, Esq., 12, Fssex Street, Strand. Secretary JOHN RALPH GKIMES, Esq. Actuary RICHARD CHARLES FISHER, Esq. ADVANTAGES OFFERED BY THE SOCIETY. The lowest rates of Premium on the Mutual System for young and middle- aged lives, with early participation in Profits. Security Accumulated Fund 3,048,000 Annual Income exceeds 350,000 Claims paid, with Bonus additions 4,751,991 Bonuses declared 2,858,415 Bonus. The Society being on the Mutual principle, the Assured share the whole of trie profits, and the Bonuses are allotted on a principle which secures to each Assurer an increased share in the profits of each succeeding Division, by which those policies which extend beyond the average duration become exceedingly valuable. Tb.8 next Division will be made in 1879. Table of Annual Premiums required for an Assurance of 100 for the Whole Term of Life, with participation in Profits. 20 s. d. 1 14 7 30 s. d. . 243 40 .. s. d. 2 19 9 25 ... . . . 1 19 O 35 2 1O 11 45 .. . .. 3 11 9 Assurances granted to the extent of 10,000 on a single life. Prospectuses, Statement of Accounts, and full particulars may be obtained on rplicaticn to JOHN RALPH GRIMES, Secretary.