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26 DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. North British and Mercantile Insurance Company. ESTABLISHED IN 1809. Incorporated by Royal Charter and Special Acts of Parliament. CAPITAL, TWO MILLIONS. Accumulated Life Funds 2,682,513. Fire Keserve Fund 862,238. ^Directors. Chairman JOHN WHITE CATER, Esq. Deputy Chairman CHARLES MORRISON, Esq. RICHARD BARING. Ecq. RICHARD BRANDT, Esq. EDWARD COHEN, Esq. JOHN FLEMING, Esq., C.S.I. P. DU PRE GRENFELL. Esq. Bt. Hon. Lord LAWttENCE, G.C.B..G.C.S.I. Hon. HUGH M'CULLOCH. JUNIUS S. MORGAN, Esq. GEO. GARDEN NICOL. j. E*q. SCHR01 Baron JOHN H. W. OE SCHRODER GEORGE YOUNG, Eq. A. H. CAMPBELL, Esq. i/Eanajjer of Sift Bepartmmt. I fEanatjer of Htfe department. G. H. BURNETT. J. C. COCKBURN. j?ccretarg. F. W. LANCE. fHeoiral Officers. A. H. HASSALL, M.D. | R. C. CREAM, M.D. | HERMANN WEBER, M.D. Solicitor. I (General fHanajjer. Sir W. R. DRAKE. DAVID SMITH, F.R.S.E. LIFE DEPARTMENT. THE PRINCIPLES on which this Company was founded, and on which it continues to act, combine the system of Mutual Assurance with the safety of a large Protecting Capital and Accumulated Funds, and thus afford all the facilities and advantages which can prudently be offered by any Life Assurance Office. Under these principles the business of the Company continues rapidly to increase. NINETY PER CENT, of the WHOLE PROFITS is divided among the Assurers on the Participating Scale. THE PROFITS are divided every Five Years. POLICIES INDISPUTABLE after Five Years. ANNUITIES of all kinds are granted, and the Rates fixed on the most favourable terms. FIRE DEPARTMENT. PROPERTY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, at Home and Abroad, Insured at the most Moderate Rates. The Net Premiums for 1874 amounted to 824,941. Prospectuses and every information can be obtained at the CHIEF OFFICES London : 61 Threadnwdle Street, E.C.; West End Office: 8, Waterloo Place, S.W.; Edinburgh : 64, Princes Street.