Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/32

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30 DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. W. P. LILLICRAPP, m. m f rirtce of Males. FUR SEAL CLOAK MAKER, AND GENERAL MANUFACTURING FURRIER, 27, DAVIES STREET, BERKELEY, SQUARE, W. Velvet Cloaks trimmed with Kich Furs. From 15 to 290 Guineas. Seal Skin Cloaks, choice in shape and quality. From 7 10s. to 35 Guineas. A large Stock of Carriage Wrappers. From 2 Guineas to 40 Guineas. Gentlemen's Fur Coats of various kinds. From 5 to 25. Gentlemen's Seal Skin Vests. From 35s. Fur Gloves. From 15s. to 35s. SKINS DRESSED AND MOUNTED. FURS TAKEN CARE OF DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS. Furs of every description Cleaned, Altered, and Exchanged.