Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/327

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DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED PEERAGE. 255 HOWARD DE WALDEN AND SEAFORD, Baron. His lordship's pre- decessor was his father, Charles Augustus, G.C.B. 6th Baron Howard De Walden, and 2nd Baron Seaford. He was b. June 5, 1799, and succeeded his maternal great-grandfather as Baron Howard De Walden, July 8, 1803, and his father as 2nd Baron Seaford, July l, 1845 ; was for many years actively engaged in the Diplomatic Service, and at the time of his death was Envoy Extraordinary arid Minister Plenipotentiary at Brussels : m. Nov. 8, 1828, Lady Lucy Cavendish-Bentinck, 4th daughter of the 4th Duke of Portland; and d. Aug. 29, 1868, having had issue six sons and four daughters. HOWARD DE WALDEN AND SEAFORD, Baroness, LUCY CAVENDISH- BENTINCK, 4th daughter of the 4th Duke of Portland : m. 1828, the 6th Baron Howard De Walden and 2nd Baron Seaford, G.C.B., who d. 1868. Residence, 46, Upper Grosvenor-street, Grosvenor-square, W. Howard, Lord, son of the Earl of Effingham, (see Effingham.) ,, Baron, title borne by the Earl of Suffolk. Viscount, Earl of Carlisle. family name of the Earl of Carlisle. Earl of Effingham. ,, ,, ,, Baron Lanerton. ,, ,, ,, Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire. ,, ,, Earl of Wicklow. ,, (Fitz alan-Howard), family name of the Duke of Norfolk. ,, ,, ,, Baron Howard of Glossop. Howard of Effingham, Baron, title borne by the Earl of Effingham. of Morpeth, Viscount, Earl of Carlisle. HOWARD OF GLOSSOP, BARON. (FITZALAN- HOWARD.) EDWARD GEORGE FITZALAN-HOWARD, P.O. 1st Baron, 2nd son of Henry Charles, 13th Duke of Norfolk, by the Lady Charlotte Sophia Leveson-Gower, eldest daughter of George, 1st Duke of Suther- land. Born Jan. 2Uth, 1818; was edu- cated at Trinity College, Cambridge ; was Vice Chamberlain of Her Majesty's Household, 1846^2, and Deputy Earl Marshal of England, 1801 3; unsuc- cessfully contested Shoreham, 1847, and Horsham, 1848, but was seated on petition Virtue alone is invincible. the same year, and sat for that borough