Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/42

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DEBRETT ADVERTISEMENTS. BENNETT'S HOUSE, OFFICE, i SHOP DIALS. EIGHT DAY PIECES. Tn Mahogany, Oak, or Rose- wood Cases; warranted for perfect time. CASH PRICES. 12-inch . . 3 3 14 , . 440 16 ,. . 550 18 ,. . 7 10 20 ,. . 10 16 24 ,. .. 15 15 MAKER TO THE QUEEN. BENNETT'S MODEL WATCH. Is a combination of all the recent improvements for performance, taste, and economy, securing to the wearer the in- dispensable comfort of perfect time. BENNETT'S KEYLESS WATCHES, NO KEY REQUIRED, AIR-TIQHT, DAMP-TIGHT, OUST-TIGHT. Gs. Gs. Gs. Silver 6.... 8 10 Gold 10 .... 12 .... 14 Persons who forward their Money may rely on the best possible Watch by return. CHURCH, TURRET, RAILWAY, HOUSE, I DRAWING-ROOM CLOCKS GENTLEMEN'S. GOLD. SILVER. Guineas. Guineas. 12 to 20 5 to 10 7 to 12 3 to 6 EVERY WATCH IN THE LATEST STYLE. AND MOST CAREFULLY FINISHED. LADIES . SILVER. GOLD. Guineas. Guineas. 5 to 10 10 to 20 3 to 5 5 to 12 Keyless Half-Chronometers, Compensated for Variations of Temperature, adjusted in Positions, Winding and setting Hands without a Key for Gentlemen, In Gold, 30 to 40 Gs.; ditto in Silver, 16 to 25 Gs. BENNETT'S Superior London made Lever Watches, Jewe.led in 4, fi, 8, and 10 holes Horizontal Escapement, Jewelled in 4, 6, of 8 hole* ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF DRAWING-ROOM CLOCKS NEWEST DESIGNS. ASTRONOMICAL, TURRET, AND OTHER CLOCKS, MADE TO ORDEK. Ditto, for Ladies, with richly Engraved Gold Cases and Dials, from 20 to 30 Gs. JOHN BENNETT, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON. TO THE ADMIRAL1Y. DINING, DRAWING-ROOM, AND HALL CLOCKS. MARBLE CLOCKS from ^200 Ditto, striking Hours and Half- hours, from 330 DRAWING ROOM CLOCKS of the newest de- signs from 440 HALL CLOCKS, in Ma- hagony, Oak, or Wal- nut Cases from 12 12 CHIME CLOCKS, in hand- somely Carved Cases, from 28 Estimates on application. MANUFACTORY: 65 & 64, CHEAPSIDE.